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This day I will marry my friend,
the one I laugh with, live for, dream with, love.
- Anonymous
Related topics: Love Romantic Marriage Wedding
A bird does not sing because it has an answer.
It sings because it has a song.
- Chinese Proverb
We Can Do It!
- WW II US Government Poster
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
- Anonymous
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Thank you for joining me on this journey we call life,
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
No good comes from hurrying.
- Yiddish Proverb
See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil.
- Japanese pictorial maxim (the Three Wise Monkeys)
All things at first appear difficult.
- Chinese proverb
The truly rich are those who enjoy what they have.
- Yiddish Proverb
Where there's a will, there's a way.
- old English proverb
Love me when I least deserve it,
because that's when I really need it.
- Swedish Proverb
You Create Your Own Reality.
- Anonymous
Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow.
- Swedish Proverb
Today is the first day of the rest of your life.
- Anonymous
He who takes medicine and neglects his diet
wastes the skill of his doctors.
- Chinese Proverb
Anger is like a thorn in the heart.
- Yiddish Proverb
Happiness is a choice.
- Anonymous
Without change, there would be no butterflies.
- Anonymous
Laugh when you can,
apologize when you should,
and let go of what you can't change.
Life's too short to be anything... but happy.
- Anonymous
Just when the caterpillar thought
the world was over, it became a butterfly.
- Anonymous
Sisters are different flowers from the same garden.
- Anonymous
Everything is a miracle,
not just the beautiful and lovely things.
- Anonymous
Be the best that you can be.
- Anonymous
When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life so that when you die,
the world cries and you rejoice.
- Indian Proverb
Take risks: if you win, you will be happy;
if you lose, you will be wise.
- Anonymous
That which you hate to be done to you,
do not do to another.
- Ancient Egyptian Proverb
Many hands make light work.
- Proverb
A life lived in fear is a life half lived.
- Anonymous
Love is saying "I feel differently,"
instead of "You're wrong."
- Anonymous
Confidence is half of victory.
- Yiddish Proverb
Yesterday is history,
tomorrow is a mystery.
Today is a gift.
That is why it is called Present.
- Anonymous
When the music changes, so does the dance.
- African Proverb
Failing to plan is planning to fail.
- Anonymous
Never give up.
- Anonymous
Bad habits are like a comfortable bed,
easy to get into, but hard to get out of.
- Proverb
Hard work pays off.
- Anonymous
Persistence prevails when all else fails.
- Anonymous
Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
- Anonymous
If things are not as you wish,
wish them as they are.
- Yiddish Proverb
Habits are cobwebs at first, cables at last.
- Chinese proverb
If I try to be like him, who will be like me?
- Yiddish proverb
Anger is often more hurtful than the injury that caused it.
- English Proverb
Man plans, God laughs
- Yiddish Proverb
You can do anything you put your mind to.
- Anonymous
Know When To Be Done.
- Anonymous
From small beginnings come great things.
- Anonymous
There is no way to happiness, happiness is the way.
- Anonymous
All's well that ends well.
- Proverb (and title of a Shakespeare play)
Reach for the stars.
- Anonymous
You can't cross a chasm in two small jumps.
- old proverb often attributed to David Lloyd George
A man is not old until his regrets take the place of his dreams.
- Yiddish Proverb
The sun WILL come up tomorrow.
- Anonymous
Maybe So, Maybe Not.
- Ancient Taoist Proverb
If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.
- Anonymous
When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
- Buddhist Proverb
Follow your own star.
- Anonymous
Fall seven times, stand up eight.
- Japanese Proverb
We will be known forever by the tracks we leave.
- American Indian Proverb
Life is what you make it.
- Anonymous
It is darkest just before the dawn.
- Proverb
In order to discover new lands,
one must be willing to lose sight
of the shore for a very long time.
- Anonymous
Every dog has his day.
- Proverb
A closed mind is like a closed book;
just a block of wood.
- Chinese proverb
Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day,
teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.
- Chinese Proverb
Be happy for this moment.
This moment is your life.
- Anonymous
Appreciate the Unexpected.
- Anonymous
Necessity is the mother of invention.
- Proverb
If not us, who, if not now, when?
- Anonymous
Laughter is the best medicine.
- Anonymous
Actions speak louder than words.
- Proverb
The best things in life are free.
- Anonymous
Everything is not as it appears to be.
- Proverb
Thank you for visiting: This day I will marry my friend, by Anonymous.
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May the world be kind to you, and may your own thoughts be gentle upon yourself.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie
All materials & writings are copyright © Jonathan Lockwood Huie, except for quotes and other specifically identified material which belong to their respective copyright holders if applicable.
Jonathan Huie jlh(at)jlhuie(dot)com - About & Disclosure